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ilvimo471 Page 21 I I4 pertmowts Liefumilawi 444 1 IApartments ornAhm4 4 7 1 1 HorkPIL ICAIIN 4)ro9 lidure 331 Mming end Anyone Lt74111 bailee hid Fort Worth StorTelegrom Morning Wednesday August 21 7957 I 1 I 2 and 3-Room Apts 47A Ouplexos and Garage Apts 47C Duplexes and Garage Apts 48C 1 LIQUOR locatIon new 1)11011111g cioxe in on Smith ExpresswaY 700 LouwanL ED 5- 9ti7i 6m 1 I YOUR BEST BUY LEASE OR SELL ICE FIXTURES Lioeral ierm Ford Refrigeration Co (Formerly Zero Plate SaIPS Co I 1541 Hoorn St El) 61u04 NEW or market fixtures Sam ders Refrigeration Co 19nO May 21100M APT bills paid S40 month11 AND 2-HOOM apt clown town SOUTH 3'i room 912 Clecker TE 4-01406 902 Cherry 2 694 Er 6-8724 bath newly remodeled 150 CLEAN 3 ROOMS Private bath I 4-ROOM garage apt adults Jenning5 Mils paid couple WA 4-9727 tad id MA 4127 3225 JENNINGS 2-room Path 3225 JENNINGS 2-room baLb In New and Used Furniture ALLSTATE Store and Van Company local and ions citsiance troy-ink: Free Days ED 21210 mitt WA ti-4333 Open 7 days week MACK'S TRANSFER InctividuallY oiled operated Laree or small Call day night ED 2-6479 MOVING contract prices Insured Good van PE 8-a97 WHEN MOVING CALL Gibson The 'time man WA 7 8459 MOVING Pianos household contract orices Free estimate Oka give Scottie stamps) ED 6-8175 10 BUY OR seli commercial fishing camns lodges and other income resort prooerty anywhere any 17f CRI write or see NLIHnomR REALTY Ji 6-9973 280 Rosedale Fort Worth FOR Royal Scintiliiitor nicalel 118 siiithIY used A BARGAIN Call PE 6-65 65 or write Box 13 Guthrie Texas Mioretiontvos Morbinery 35 NEED MONEY FOR BACK TO SCHOOL EXPENSES? (FIFTH THESE ITEMS EFLOW A011 SELLING NI AK ES IT YOSsIBLE FOIL I TO OFFER Good used odd Occasional Chair rubber cushions $24 50 piece bedroom girlie $3500 1aned oak dresser Si4 50 Odd walnut night stands $750 each Teienhone table 95 Good used Laundromat washing machine $149 50 2-trees living room suite 9 50 Odd couch $750 I emir for Went Arrealpr 54 1 find I Amapa tot 1 I LARUE air comoressor 2 Ben nett Dumps S'175 2040 Carson LARUE stock of new and reconditioned dry CIPanirIK laundry and washateria equipment Hot water hewers and Will buy sell or trade IL PREsqE1 MCIIT CO 725 THROCKMORTON ED 2 8738 TOOLS 1 buy anY amount of hand and Dower and distress merchandise Paul MAYficd 3624 Ave 0 JE 6-7913 Mid lex Schools S4i WA 4-9735 5233 nice 2-bedroom 1-bath 'hying room nptte and kitchen combination Front unit S85 back unit $9 Call Mr BASS BAss REALTY CO PE $-4407 BlVERSIDE 412-room garage ant tor couple Ras water Paid S60 916 Barclay TE 8-0213 EXCELLENT DUPLEX SiE atove oishwasher washing machine cooler S80 Adults 3436 gI cE 7- :41130 ED 2-4019 NEAT CLEAN 3room garage garage Water Dad MA 4-3551 NORTH SIDE 3- ana 4-rooni houses and dupexes MA 4-3931 SPACIOUS 3-room duplex garage TE 4-2201 TE 1-1567 TE 4-2202 4125 GODDARD-3-rootn duplex at tached garage $45 TE 44961 TE 3747 510 GALVESTON Nice large 2-bed room apt Air conditioned Lots of closets Water Paid $65 ED 6-8093 ED 6-5136 Prows tits kiddies for school and fall or consolidate all your debts into on easy monhtly 4011 I 1111r 1 SELL-4 ULLY (inked shadow lease 5011 barrels myth PE 2-3093 REAL OPPO1TUNI1 for nonet exnerienced as nartner on Bucyrus 24-L or contder leastna nit out Make offer Box 1017 ma Texas 26 ACRES-6-room modern house 575 month JE 6-6621 FOR RENT or lease 6 TWIll house 15 acres all modern conveniences deep 11 ell new roof and sidtna 2 miles from city limits of Cleburne $50 A Scott Jr 5-6215 Cleburne Box 264 53 ACRES 3-room house bath north of Pleasant Grove Church Boyd $400 a year ED 6-7374 GARAGE APT--2-2 block ICU bus Genheman or coupe BMA paid $40 WA 6726 NICELY furnished 3 rooms in East Riverside 1006 Maxine Street SW titer gas paid MA 4-1871 ARL HIS efficiency garage apt air cooled $30 month bills paid 1 block from West Expressway PE 8-4203 or PE 8-6747 3-ROOM API for rent near TCU Cali between a anci WA 4-3219 NICE 2-room and bath garage apt Prisate clean and modern on bus block of business center $75 month Ideal for 1 or 2 peonle only Bills paid 1527 Pruitt ED 5-4451 ED 5- Maio GARAGE APT ideal for 2 girls boys or couple Small baby So0 bills paid 1954 Belmont AUL HT's Furnished dupex modern 1-bedroom near freeway and bus Tile kitchen and Hotpoint dishwasher fenced back yard garage and Von-age Nice closets all bills paid except electric: Sag month 5326 Birch man PE 8-0115 2-BEDROOM dimlex 2002 Evans Bus bills paid $1875 ED 2-8981 3406 ROSEDALE Duplex 3 rooms bath air conditioned JE 3294 KEMBLE BROS irmietits 16-1iwellanemos fur Sale 36 I payments pia Cash You Receive $19825 $33003 $50317 Monthly Payments $15 $25 $38 NO 2 StORE 100 THROCKMORION ED 2-53Z7 RuTARY APIS Corner 7413 and Summit Air conditioned bills paid Aipy APt 104 8o4 Summit 22 ROOMS air conditioned 11250 bills paid WA 3-7723 1216 5M7 3 rooms bath $1250 Poly 730 Woodrow 3 rooms $1350 605 Travis garage apt bath etc Get key at 315 Hemphill' ED 6-1019 3 ROOMS NEAR Harris Hospital $1250 ED 6-4541 1014 Lake NICE APT bills paid 2220 Pearl Atter 7:30 in 810 bath $1250 Get key at 315 Hemphill EL) 6-4019 GARAGE apt redecorated air conditioned bills paid MA 4-4627 S8 week Accept child ED 2-0287 COOL well located 3-room bath window fans employed WA 4-4450 MIL HIS desirable 3 rooms bath Cooler $75 4604 Harley PE 1-1156 LAKE front near Casino school bus CE 7-3448 3 ROOMS WITH private bath $40 tier month Bills paid 1227 5th Avenue WA 3-8619 HEMPHILL ST Large basement conveneint to stores bus Couple or gentleman bills paid 110 WA 6-3726 AIR CONDITIONED 3 rooms bath water paid $55 month 2920 Mt Vernon JE 6-5694 after 5:30 NEAT CLEAN 2-room bath garage apt cooler garage Near bus grocery WA 4-3703 2258 apt air conditioned Couple or lady WA 7-5498 3 ROOMS AND bath conveniently located All bills paid 1427 Pruitt ED 5-0996 COLLEGE ORADUME with money and tone to invest in any solid business pronosition Foil Worth area Box J53 fitar-Telecraln 1 Itu'iness Prop (Rent ieaiw 55 I 1 moristsortal 6m a I A rtmla Houses in Shore 50 No other charges or deductions All loans include life health and occident insurance Other Loans Available From $50 to $1500 Phone or come by our office In a few minutes the money you need will be yours 110LESILE PRICES NEW FURNITURE We buy direct from the factory and sell to you at wholesale prices We do not take trade-ins You can keep or sell your old furniture and buy from us cheaper You would come out to see us If you only knew the truth about our prices Terms available PRICE FURNITURE CO 2120 28th St 6 ROOMS OF extra nice furtnture priced reasonable 1621 Jenson Road WORKING girl will share home with other girls TV automatic washer $7 aeek TE 4-4405 before 130 In GIRL WILL share 3-bedroom brick with girls WA 4-2113 after 5:30 LADY WILL share home with ernOloved lady Convenient location TE 8-8654 1 OR 2 GIRLS to share 3-bed room furnished house in West Malec Call PE 8-2630 after 5 on GEIIERAL PUMICE CO LIKE NEW electrolux sweeper all attachments WA 7-0775 FOR Royal Sontillator model lig slightly used A BARGAIN Call PE 8-6585 or write Box 13 Gulhrie Texas KROLL I3ABY crib $15 Trimble bassinet $5 Baby clothes PE 22150 SADDLE pad Navajo blanket bd dle and halter WA 141153 COKE AND Dr Pepper machines for sale MA 6-3497 CASH FOR DISCARDED ITEMS Tools appliances air-conditioners Junk anything of value Brown 809 Riverside JE 4-2281 JE 4-4717 WEBCOR Tape Recorder 4x5 Crown Graflex Case Flash Film Holder Factory Built Trailer Rick enbacker Electric Steel Guitar Rent Shop Open 2 'til 7 Surplus Salvage Sales 1406 FLOOR TILE 909 ASPHALT TILE 5c block In pink light green red splatter green tan light gray All can be had in large quantities 9x9 rubber tile 10c tile BILL WOOD LUMBER CO 7900 DAVIS DALLAS AN 2-5144 CLOSE OUT on 3 shades of Crown 9x9 asphalt floor tile 4 cents per tile This special to run 7 days only BILL WOOD LBR CO 7900 Davis Dallas AN 2-5144 NEW LOAN SERVICE For the people of Fort Worth and ail surrounding towns PERSONAL LOANS S25 to $1500 For Bilis and Other Expenses LIBERAL REPAYMENT TERMS simpl Private Quick Convenient DIAL FINANCE THRIFT COMPANY Of FORT WORTH 4th Ft Dan Waggoner Bldg oth and Houston Sts ED 2-8341 I lectrir and Gat Appliancet 27A I 401 West Seventh Street ED 53464 ACROSS FROM STAMELEGRAM GARAGE apartment carpeted Nicely furnished on bus MA 47463 DUPLEX-3 rooms and bath: bills Paid Sg5 month 4371 Hemphill WA 1-1822 820 DREER-3-room garage apt S60: water paid WA 3-9246 TWO extra nice garage apts Modern Private one with twin beds suitable as bachelor ant or 2 sin ale 4 rooms and bath for couple only Air-conditioned LovelY yard ED 2-2602 Houses 1 urnished gig Tm 1 Howes for Sale Houses ior Sale FliPS1111 BAILY INDUSTRIAL ADDN 2725 Tiller St 2500 square feet building suitable warehouse office or light industrial manufacturing fenced lot size 1508150 feet ED 6- 4893 GARAGE space or OOP or storage Clean North Side MA 4-0003 1614 SO UN1VERITY Owner WA 6-0358 1053 MAGNOLIA new building near 3 bus lines Good iocation lot business plenty parking ED 6-3613 931 MAIN 2000 square feet available Nov 1 CE 7-2114 2419 Hemphill 1200-foot brick 675 Rear parking MA4-3931 5414 CAMP building 20x80 or 4000 suitable for any lyric businesi WA 3-8312 SEVERAL new buildings in Ride-lea now being complead in 5800 block of Camp Bowie PE 8-7935 WA 3-8312 BUILDING under construction For rent or lease 1008 Sylvania 1470 souare feet 31-foot frontage lE 1-1668 or TE 8-3257 FOR LEASE warehouse 2-story brick 60)(100 feet on TAP switch corner Vickery and Missouri Ave Close in ED 2-1616 FOR rent or lease 1200 square feet warehouse space 300 square feet office space South Side 2912 Stanley 1800 SQUARE FOOT frame ant masonry only 870 month convenient location Ideal fur manufactur ing or warehouse Burl Elder 945 Marion WA 4-2853 2829 BRYAN 6400 eet warehouse 900 square feet air-conditioned office Fireproof new building Vacant ED 5-1337 Mrs Geo Nies WA 4-3528 ('LARK A HENRY REALTORs BEAUTIFUL brick building corner 401 Magnolia WA 7-2727 75A West Side Area 75A West Side Area LAeirenta linturn'tshe 1 2 and 3-Room Apts 48A IN 2-bedroom 2- bath brick air cooled WO month AT 4-6498 NICELY furnished six-room older house on Virginia Pl in Ail His Near schools $110 month PE 8-9619 couple live on place wile do housework for rent husband work elsewhere Jacksboro Highway Write Box 355 St a r-Telegra in NORTH air-cooled 3 rooms garage: bills paid couple or gentleman MA 43704 1-BEDROOM HOUSE PE 7-9148 AIR-CONDITIONED I RIDGLEA HILLS Attractive 3-bedroom home 2 hatha lovely kitchen with breakfast space disposal dishwasher nicely landscaped yard cyclone fence Relroy Chadwick Realty Co ED 5-9411 ARL HIS Conveniently located pill MP home 2-bedroom Reduced tor Quick sale PE 8-6486 FORTUNE ARMS Photo SupyIie 11FOOT FREEZER and SO-foot refrigerator Over 21 feet of food storage for only $36995 Yes it is for both 1214-FOOT automatic refrigerator for only $23995 $48995 double oven electric range for only $31995 A few GIBSON Deluxe air conditioners at less than wholesale Why settle for less than all three low price quality and service WE BUY SELL AND EXCHANGE used cameras Highest prices Paid Ea Fit credit GOLDsTEIN BROS JEWELRY 9TH AND MAIN ED 5-1495 signatureturniture-automoblic PIONEER FINANCE CO 202 Main Arlington CR 5-2319 803 Lamar Street ED 5-4438 Fitments too Get a Fresh Start See Caldwell Auto Loans For Furniture and Car Loans to Reduce Payments Serving Fort VVortn Peooll Since 1925 2912 7th ED 5-9495 Nights WA 3-5543 JE 4398 RMGLEA 3 BEDROOMS den with beautiful eleetire kitchen Wonderful family living in this one HARRELL REALTY CO PE 115103 PE 7-332 PE 2-0685 PE 82343 REACIFTL RANCH STYLE HOME 4 bedrooms 3 baths tile den spare room over double garage corner lot 3200 Ridg lea PE 8-5888 FAYE AlcRURNEY REALTOR OPEN HOUSE 6408 DAKAR RD See these lovely 3 and 4-bedroom brick homes Large wactous den with fireplace air conditioned range oven dishwasher disposal wall to wall carpet Priced from $21000 up Go WEST on East-West Freeway to 6400 block to Ridgmar Blvd Turn north to (Men house It IDGMARK HOMES PE 7-6658 PE 7-alRIDOLEA HILLS bY owner 3 bedrooms 2 full baths fenced air con Intoning units carpets drapes dishwasher reasonably priced for quick sale By anPointment 4005 Pledrnont PE 7-9343 II Sporting Goods 34ili 2908 AVE efficiency ideal for num bills paid $15 JE 6-7851 NORTH SIDE-22-room brick private bath bills paid MA 4-7991 1505 13TH private brick bilis void S55 Cooler CE 7-3166 PRIVATE air-conditioned apt Convenient Convair bus MA 6-5869 3-ROOM cottage 515 bills paid 1214 Hawthorne WA 4-4316 LARGE 3-room apt upstairs wall-in closets 815 per week bills paid Located 116 St Louis KeY next door north SOUTH SIDE dose in 3 rooms bath Adults no pets SE 8-3740 I 2 AND 3-ROOM apt air conditioned 122 Hattie ED 2-1094 Air-condltioned efficiencies THE MANOR HOUSE APTS 917 2nd ED 5-0R16 conditioned electric kitchen twin beds 912 St JE 1-1131 or TN 4-0657 3 ROOMS BILLS paid window fan $15 week 309 Texas ED 2-0410 NICELY FURNISHED 2 rooms apt no pets 3201 Hemphill PRIVATE redecorated air-conditioned 2304 Market ED 5-9879 BRICK 2-bedroom cooler bills paid $21 Adults 1815 College ED 5-1607 Open DUPLEX Lovely 2-bedroom $21 Bills paid Cooler Adults 2235 Hurley WA 6-3685 Open 3 ROOMS $55 bills Paid 1203 Jerome WA 4-0156 NICE bachelor private bath bills paid 1647 West Moreand WA 4-0559 Downtown Apartments SWIMMING POOL FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED UTILITIES PAID PARKING LOT COFFEE SHOP 24-HOUR DESK SERVICE RALSTIN'S FOR 1 2 and 2 irons 2 through 9 and wedge Rocket shafts golf pride grips D-5 weight Kolatsi-Kart Also lady 's set 1 wood irons 2 4 6 8 and wedge putter ban used only once PE 20020 PERSONAL and Furniture Loans $25 to 6300 Beckman ED 5531 4041 BELKNAP TE 8-2485 Vented 37 I th et 1 65 I 4201 ALENTINE 3bedroorn on well landscaped cor ner lot carpets small down payments Price 88500 2-BEDROOM-DEN Like new fenced yard venetian blinds tile anti other features $92i0 Bee at 394t8 Bryce 38115 ALAMO 2 bedrooms fenced yard is ear schools and shopping Has commercial possibilities A good buY for a smart couple JOE DRISKELL PE 7-7612 FIRST AT BURNET ED 6-7453 WILL buy discarded clothing shoes furniture appliances Call before 8 a or after 6 MA 6-3530 or bring them to 109 33rd CASH for men's used snits shoes etc Quick pickup ED 5-0143 516 5-room brick near 6 Points $100 TE 4- 4662 LAKE WORTH Water front 4 rooms $05 Adults CE 72409 4-ROOM furnished house $50 month 8315 Whitney Dr White Settlement CI 6-2345 3'S ROOMS and bath bus near bills Accent 1 small child TE 1-1515 LAKE ORTH 3-room cottages couples or small families utilities Paid Sunset Ron-Da-Vou CE 7-2913 Call alter 5:30 ALL BILLS paid and Phone furnished Owner to retain room with private entrance 812 Oakland Blvd after 5:30 2-BEDROOM brick close to bus and schools 1617 Virginia Place PE 7-5221 2 ROOMS and carport Bills Paid JE 6-7716 4912 EL CAMPO-3-room cottage $00 bills Paid PE 7-0846 MA 4-1722 PE 7-9660 MODERN efficiency cottage near Convair In White Settlement Bills paid $55 month CI 6-2803 SOUTHEAST POLY 2-bedroom trailer house bills paid JE 5-0356 ARL HTS-3 rooms bath attached garage Couple only PE 7-3061 SIX ROOMS convenient to Carswell Convair PE 7-9528 NORTH SIDE: 3 rooms window coolers Bus garage MA 4-1850 DARLING guest house 3 rooms bath: couple 2709 Hemphill $50 month By appointment JE 6-8348 BY OWNER RIDGLEA HILLS OVERLOOKING GOLF couRsr Priced Inr below apPralsed value! 645 5 WOODSTOOK RD PE 8-9940 NIUSV SACR1EKE 1451 auto-matte washer and dryer lin crate) Fully guaranteed Example washer regular value $28995 Will sell for 615730 Terms arranged Call Ilaidusek TE 44514 AVE! Save! On ail types new and used appliances General Appliance JE 40211 JE 6-4351 NORTH SIDE 3 rooms tile bath attic fan clean near schools S35 WA 3-3826 WA 3-5504 3 ROOMS and garage 4121 Fain 1 Rooms for Rrot 451 Sewing Machines 271151 TCU-3012 McPherson upstairs 3- room apartment Couple only S65 Stuckert and Son ED 2-69tig UNUSUALLY BEAUTIFUL large 3- room south apt Picture-pretty new modern bath and kitchen 1715 Hurley WA 7-2336 rot EPARTMEN MOTOR LOANS A ipmosi URIkil UR cot th upe EPARTMEN 0 BANK IN tot MOTOR I NVESTMEN 01W th 311 Rooms and Apartments Mr-conditioned downtown COATES HOTEL APTS 611 West HP St ED 25315 OFFICE SPACE On top floor of the downtown For tune Arms Building 200 Burnet St Air conditioned fluorescent lighting and plenty of parking space available For comnlete information call General Manager ED 6-7453 1600 SQUARE FEET office space All or any part New brick build- Mg Riverside TE 4-2271 FOR office building large storage space North Side Evaporative air cooling TE 8-8981 week-clays IDEAL dbwntown location on Houston St next to Flatiron Bldg Also air-conditioned ground floor office space close in Parking Provided ED 6-8848 LARGE office space suitable for small business One Corner 950 Rosedale ED 5-5088 AIR-CONDITIONED reception room 2 or more offices fireproof vault Private parking Janitor service ED 5-1319 AIR CONDITIONED-Office building downtown single offices or in suite OPposite Monnig's 508 Throckmorton St ED 2-1774 Evans SINGLE AND suites All services off street parking WA 343731 QFFICE or suite Lancaster Blvd air conditioned building maid service amine free parking JE 6-1958 TCU -Berry Street area air condi honed suite $80 month WA 3-2854 ATTRACTIVE air conditioned sin sie or suite 2816 Morton ED 5-9716 RIDGEWAY MANORS RENT A NEW NECCIII SUPERNOVA "PUSHREIrioN" gEWING MACHINE CI71 MEER Ali rental Money can Inter anoly to Purchase of machine ii Yoh au de Ere Call today FORT WORTH SEWING MACHINE NUPPLY ROsEDAIE IF ONE REPOSSESSED Singer Automatic belying machine Pay 2 back payments Call PE 7-6957 Radio ik lelevigion 27C 1 EFFICIENCY Airconditioned 1306 MO Street WA 4-4204 3-ROOM upstairs apt private bath and entrance $45 month bills paid 813 Porter 42514 1room efficiency: $5 week ED 22907 NICELY furnished 3 rooms and bath bills paid Apply Apt 2 1400 Texas FD 5-9972 EFFICIENCY APT new and clean Well located MA 6-2478 1004 HENDERSON nice 3 rooms upper southwest 530 all bills paid Adults WA 4-1425 LES TROAS 920 College 3 Rooms cooler Adults ED 241150 AIR-COOLED 3 rooms $1050 for I $1150 for 2 126 Leuda JE 6-8160 ICU-3 rooms air-conditioned carnet carport Finer Powell ED 6- 20 IN RIDGLEA AND 3BEDROOM APARTMENTS TILE BATHS STOVE AND REFRIGERATOR SWIMMING POOL FENCED PLAY YARD NEAR CHURCHES CONVENIENT TO RIDGLEA SHOPPING AREA TILE BATHS STOVE AND REFRIGERATOR SWIMMING POOL FENCED PLAY YARD NEAR CHURCHES CONVENIENT TO RIDGLEA SHOPPING AREA EVENING TV service otter 5 Farts lobor: fully guaranteed WA 5-970 or WA 48046 iiY I OR 2 LADY teachers with kitchen privilege or meals optional located between Carter Riverside High and Oakhurst School TE 8-75111 with or without private bath WA 6-0178 GENTLEMAN Share bedroom Linens furnished $5 WA 7-2772 cooler bus private entrance WA 4-9105 2719 Green Al-IL HTS-4136 Pershing Kitchen priviluires TV airconditioning Bus PE 2-2525 after 6 tn ART' room bath shower gentleman PE 7-9810 RIVER OAKS Air conditioned large closets real nice 4900 Black oak ARL HTS---Nice bedroom Bus line 4713 Fivers PE 7-7959 PE 7-4533 RIVER OAKS Nicely furnished bedroom in brick home MA 4-1401 entrance Joins bath near bus stores PE 7-4778 BEAUTIFUL surroundings private bath Business woman ED 5-9301 TCU 2 S6 week breakfast optional WA 7-8918 RELIANCE HOTEL 54 week up to SI night monthly rates Large lobby TV 920 Monroe El) 2-0382 TOWN HOUSE HOTEL SOO 3rt1 St ED 2-4438 LIVE DOWNTOWN Air condi Mined maid service TVs beauti fully furnisbted rooms Private baths weekly or monthly rates Special low rates to permanents BURNET ARMS conditioned Private shower ED 2-8395 NEWLY decorated air conditioned rooms weekly rates 3600 Camp Bowie Blvd Call PE 7-6666 Colonial Hotel uligagalua Refinancing-Lower Payments 1'' AUTO i 4- tliti C3tra COMPANY 11NAP 805 Wanted to Rent 57 SCHOOL CHILDREN IN YOUR FAMILY edium Price" three-bedroom cottage In North Ridglea within watking distance of school Den added for additional emoyment Loan of S10250 available Let's see this one! ED 6-5776 Fvdella Evans AT 4-4500 FIRST TIME OFFERED AIR-CONDITIONED sixroom 2- bath brick in Ridglea Hills two large bedrooms paneled den attractive pine kitchen with cheer ful nutting area corner lot out of city Owner wants emick sale ED 6-5776 Gladys Jesup WA 6-0144 ED 6-5776 Ann Hooper WA 4-1508 HELEN PERKINS ED 6-5776 RIDGLEA WEST Completely furnished 2-bedroom cot-Uwe large den living and dining combination Big kitchen with eating area Cornet lot cYclone fenced $9500 with $1000 down 0 inevra Eth rid se PE 7-3506 JENKINS REALTY CO WA 7-2493 MONTICELLO Nearly new large luxury brick $42500 RIDGLEA 3 bedrooms den big rooms air et" (taloned Most for the money 627750 RIDGLEA club Plush 2 bedrooms den $23750 ARL furnished 2- bedroom dream $9750 ARL well located 2- bedroom home $8750 PE 7-0601 PE 73563 JERRY SMITH REAL ESTATE ARL down no closing Cost 2 bedrooms den earaa trees fenced bits schools Ann Swagerty PE 7-5000 Piner Powell ED 67226 ARL HIS WEST SIDE 4805 clean 3-bedroom frame cottage Good location $16o0 cash will handle assume FHA loan $50 month See this today RIDGLEA BILLS Lovely brick home 3 large bedrooms den 2 all tile baths air conditioned 3301 MGHAM 2- bedroom frame cottage came! tug floor furnace air-condi tinned new modern kitchen beautiful landscaped yard INCOME EL clean 5-rooln brick home with guest house rented $139 month INCOME CALMONT 5-r 0 frame cottage excellent condi- two guest home rented $65 Vot Collie Co PE 8-6522 Collie Res pE11-2421 Mrs Lena Taylor Res PE 2-0398 EXTRA nice 3 rooms bath Con ventent to Carswell MA 6-8322 LAKE WORTH Nice 2 bedroom house $85 Bills paid CE 7-2925 LAKE WORTH 2 room Screened breezeway Near Cars well $85 References required PE 8-2261 3 BEDROOMS near Carswell MA 6-9668 ARL HTS-4 rooms water lights Paid 81350 couple PE 7-3795 3901 WESTR1DGE SOUTH SIDE Furnished practically new 3 bedrooms I bath automatic PHONE PE 8-6330 washer fenced Yard cartiort $125 ED 5-1337 Mrs Phil Rouer PE 7-6517 NICE 3-ROOM bath bills paid (LARK 8 HENRY REALTORs $1250 week WA 3-4394 FOR RENT-41s rooms $60 month TCU-3-room brick newly decorat- MA 4-3503 ED 2-3870 ed no children WA 4-298E 3-ROOM house bills paid near COMPLETELY AIR-CONDITIONED Consolidated on Lake Worth Route 8 Box 722 ED 5-9070 WA 4-4053 WESTCHESTER RIVERSIDE 3 rooms and bath $60 month 116 DeCosta TE 8-9005 ARL HTS-3 bedrooms 2 baths HOUSE $100 WA 4-5472 GUEST TCU attic fan washer connection JE 6-7606 2-BEDROOM house at Benbrook PE 8-2290 11 A partmentt furnished 47 Ista tog OVERLOOKING Benbrook a Large 3 bedrooms Arkansas atone 212-bath fireplace electric kitchen carpets glassed in patio Deep well 2-car garage 200400t lot Buy now choose your colors 322500 Consider trade Benbrook Lake Shore E5- tales PE 7-6489 2-BEDROOM large family room The best Art Ht School location FHA loan available Immediate possession 4121 Curzon PE 8-1938 RIDGLEA Ot-INER 3 bedrooms 214 baths large paneled den electric kitchen air con ditioned carpeted drhpes land-seeped excellent loan on school bus line By appointment only 3024 Floyd Dr PE 8-32111 NONE BETTER OUTSTANDING modern beauty quality built IllintlIIIIM upkeep 3 bedrooms 2li baths fireplace doe Cis GALORE air-conditioned sprinkler system Owner will SACRIFICE HAROLD NOWLIN CO El) 5-3478 WEST RIOULEA 4928 FAIRFAX new 2- bedroom frame with garage and fenced yard patio many extra a near school and shopoing New FBA loan available 4305 neat 2-bed room frame garage attached lovely fenced yard Priced under 37500 New FHA loan available Estelle Steitz PE 7-7646 BASS REALTY CO RIDGLEA BANK BLDG PE 8-1407 NORTH RIDGLEA PRICE REDUCED! 3124 Ridglea owner has authorized this reduction for a Quick sale See it before you bug Near schools bus line and shopping center LACKLAND new list log Very attractive 3-bedroom brick with 2 tile baths spacious living and dining room combination Extra nice kitchen with breakfast area large den and patio 2-car garage corner lot Very reasonblY priced for 2040 anuare feet Near 2 schools shot-ionic center etc Shown bY appointment Estelle Steitz PE 7-7046 BA Ss REALTY CO RIDGLEA BANK BLDG PE 84107 RIDGLEA HILLS BACK TO SCHOOL TIME is here again Why not get settled before the rush begins? Make your selectwn from our choice offerings PICTURE TUBES REPAIRED CO Repair ork and new picture tubes on terms 1 Year guarantee On tube repairs and all work 35 years experience radio and TV Four Star TV Renate WA 30275 'GUARANTEED radio and TV servICP day night or Sunday Service calls $3 JE 4-5719 DEPENDABLE TV service guaranteed S3 service can 24-hour 5erV lee anywhere 2220 Evans WA 5157 JE 6-3512 THENAULT'S TV CI iwide quick service North Side MA 6-2818 REPOSSESSED good rebuilt trade-In TVs rental purchase olan Easy terms $25 no Truett Kinwey Co 3515 Vickery PE 7-31'21 "COOD clean reconditioned TV sets 139 50 up See Mr Winters Crump Co 300 Mlitn ED 54342 110B'S TV WA 3-7296 WA 3-0141 WA 1-1409 Day night and Stinday FARM BUSINESS residential loans trades listings Duane McDonald Poo Pine Line Rd AT 4-5619 Real Estate Loans Remodel repair consolidate hen $25 month on $2000 Best deal in town TE 8-5684 REAL ESTATE LOANS BY individual to $5000 Repair loans and buy notes ED 5-9511 WILL BUY firet hen notes and make loans on real estate Boggs Realtv gt Insurance ED 5-909 CASH FOR SECOND LIENS First hens purchased Amertenn SecuritY Investment CorDoralaon Phone CR 5-2671 UNFURNISHED 2 3-bedroom close grade school Permanent Prefer East Fort Worth CR 5-3562 BUSINESS man desires brick home 3 bedrooms den 2-car garage vi- cinity TCU Wedgwood or Ridg lea TE 4-0844 WA 7-8578 PROPERTY owners let us manage your property and collect your rent for you We offer excellent service in this field Fort Worth Rental AMC''' JE 6-2819 HOME us rent or manage your property Appraisals made no cost to You Diner Powell ED 8-7220 Insurance Mortgage Rentals Bryan Gregory Towsen 700 Texas St ED 5-4125 3 BEDROOMS or 2-bedroom and den house in general ICU area Must be nice WA 32300 Ltiroutwm Unt urnished 52 PENNSYLVANIA AND SUMMIT FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED THREE types of onebedroom apartments tile bath with shower gas ranges and electric refrigerators furrubhed with all utilities paid Beautiful lobby and alumina center GRACIOUS CALL 5IRS GLADYS RATE RESIDENT MANAGER El) 5-3655 ED 8-2593 NICE 3 rooms tile drain and bath water paid WA 3-5529 PENNSYLVANIA AND St1MMJIT FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED GUARANFEED Rebuilt TV's Also expert service General Appliance 4-0711 31! 4-1111 a De BEVOISE1 117-63 citywide quick service North Side MA 6-4730 1 Building klatetrialt 74 1 FVANIIDE RESIDENTIAL HOTEL 709 Srd tub shower El) 2-4407 home tor men away from home 512 Lamar El) 2-3281 NORTH private bedroom Gentleman MA 4-3884 CLOSE IN Window fans $750 week 309 Texas ED 2-0410 TANDY teacher or lady kitchen and home nrivileges JE 66429 1703 bedroom side entrance MA 6-4805 NIA 6-0616 room l'cblock Camp Bowie Gentleman PE 7-9907 PRIVATE Nice clean rooms fan S650 2722 Travis WA 3-30111 Et NICE 1room efficiency 416 South Jennings 2 and 3-Room House! 52A 3 ROOMS 2902 8th Avenue VI WA 7-5257 2220 MITCHELL Blvd 825 month tIE 6-9730 31-2-HOOM house near Cox's Shot nine Center bus TE 8-3640 HALTOM 3 rooms 650 Gas water 4902 Loraine TE 1-1735 alter 1 Air lontlitioning 2701 'minim Chance 4-Room Apts and Larger 47B Mary Elizabeth Apts SPACIOUS I-bedroom apt close In on bus bills paid Can not accommodate children 2008 Hemphill WA 7-0484 4 ROOMS downstairs private bath near Vickery School $14 week bills paid PE 2-0891 PE 7-0143 CLEAN 2-bedroom private bath Close in South Side ED 6-4927 4 ROOMS private bath and garage 3300 Ave I JE 4-0401 JE 6-9883 SOUTH SIDE lovely 2 bedroom bath Christian adults Margaret Thompson MA 6-2680 ICU-3 MOWS nicely furnished aut double sink tile bath shower 4 adults $130 WA 3-7016 JE 6-8634 NORTH SIDE-4 rooms bath sleeping Porch new stove refrigerator Near schools WA 3-3826 I107 WASHINGTON Ave Lovely large 4 rooms air-conditioned bills Danl $68 EL) 5-1062 ARL HTS Elegant spacious air-conditioned 3701 Tulsa Way NEW 2-bedroom apt in duplex new furniture evaporative air cooling Near schools stores churches and bus References reouired $85 month TE 8-8981 weekdays 914 4-rosin apt upstairs Adults onlY Water Paid $13 week ED 5-4801 5-ROOM South aut' near bus 1315 Adams BEHAN APTS 3 and 4 rooms bills 1115 Jennings ED 5-9616 NICE LOWER 5 rooms and bath near Daggett School 1 child WA 7-5498 BIDS now being taken on the Harrisdale Barn to In be wrecked and moved located two miles west of Traffic Circle on Highway 80 Bid opening date Sept 1 For Information call PE 8-6561 HEADQUARTERS for Johns Manville roofing and siding Doors $395 and on No 3 oak flooring S175 90 pound roll roofing 53 On 53 On rHouses t'nfornkived WANT A JOS' Trade home on motel at Azle PE 8-9619 BLOXONC8 Drive-In Grocery 3500 Seminar Dr Excellent volume Eaulunient $9734 stock mom Totai Price S17734 net $8000 to $10000 ner year Owner leaving cttv Co tact Shank le Bloxotn WA 4-2707 nients WA 3-3194 $595 NICE bedroom kitchen privileges $25 WA 3-0593 1113 gentleman wanted to share my bRChelor apt twin beds private bath ED 6-3616 1 Room end Hoard a EM 2x48-8x10 feet a550 2x48-2xli's S675 and un Window and Jrame a2 on Gold Bond Latex paint $2 98 Coinnosnion Fhinaleg i5 23 lin All purpose joint cement $195 TEAGUE 11311 Co 2501 White Settlement Rd Flt) 2-8393 AIR-CONDITIONING heating appliances serviced with a smile 'Honest) John JE CSocrt EVAPORATIVE cooler service at revonable price EL) 61136 it 1 It 2 find 2-ToN York Westing house $189 95 1113 Marvin Eiectric Co 1O53 University Dr WA 7-5311 New 1 Mathes 95 New 1 RCA $16995 New Carrier 115 volts 1 co at cost Used evanorated cooler S25 Everything at close out cost call us rst PE 71121 Kirn7ey's IVA 6-1721 -SEE US for the best prices In town On these 100IPTA Essick Wright and otarctie Circle Plastic tubing Se foot Recirculating pump $795 redo for aircondnioners KNOX-1'017 APPLIANCES On 84 week days Sunday IA 1518-2d WA 377108 EVAPORATIVE cooler quirk service Reasonable prices Golf State Sup ply 201 Main El) 6-4079 42" attic fan special reiton Mtg Co MA 4-7752 Ltportmonts Unfurnished 4811 4-Room Apts and Larger 488 SPACIOUS 2-bedroom stove refrigerator carpets 3701 Tulsa Way 5-ROOM redecorated near bus 17081 Oleander ED 2-1564 WA 3-6138 1320 2-bedroom S60 hills paid: bus open PE 8-3809 UNIVERsITY ARMS bedrooms living room kitchen dinette tile bath carport 3419-D University Dr Open WA 6-3341 7-ROOM APT-1120 Summit Ave on TCU bus $3 ED 5-4011 PE 8 7700 APT Side 4 rooms private newly decorated children accepted WA 4-5929 or WA 35091 JARVN HTS APTS 401 35th St-2-bedroom exes and 4-unit apts with or without ranges and refrigerators laundrie parking areas yard maintained: $52 to $5750 MA 8-2141 WESTHA TN 2305 WAGNER ONLY $GO MONTH NO DEPOSIT range water and yard care furnished Convenient to Carswell Convair MA 63330 Noreast Apartments No DEPOSIT 1 2 and 3-bedroom units completely redecorated stoves and refrigerators available Water bills Paid $1250 to $6250 MA 4-9918 2542 30th St TITS SPECIAL ARL Hrs--Dream home convent ent 3 schools bus shopping vett ter 8 minutes from downtown 2 bedroorn den 2-bath home 2-car garage Nice yard ARL location north of Camp BOViir near school tore bus 3-bedroom 2-bath home carpets 2-car garage ARL Plate near bus school shopping center large 2-bedroom home fireplace 2 floor fornaceA 2-car garage pond $7330 Hurry! To buy or sell call AUTRY CO PE 8-9213 PE 89213 Violet Baker PE R-85271 4300 BUN NIE Contemporary brick 2 bedrooms and dem 112 bath carpets drapes on corner lot Established GI loan s35oo rioWn and move in GRADY INVESTMENT CO Er) 2-53ii PE 8409 STANDERIND attractive 3-bedroom brick on high level lot Beautiful kitchen-den combination with fireplace 2 nice tile baths air conditioned carpets and drapes in-eluded Ready for your occupancy INDALE lovely 3-bedroom brick is only block south of Camp Bowie Away from the traffic and noise yet close to shopping center etc 24 tile baths utility room air conditioned You owe it to yourself to see these nice homes Estelle Steitz PE 77titti BASS EALTY RIDOLEA BANK MANI PE 84107 RIDUECREST 7708 Kermit lbectroom 2bath brick living room kiichen-den conibinathin wall to carpet patio air conditioned 2-tar garage Ard in fenced hack vqrd Near schools shopoing center Plfone PE fl ltind PE 2-2274 4-Room Houses and larger 52B ARL HTS--Modern 3-bedroom Modern 2-bedroom PE R-6748 POLY 412-rooni air-condoned brick 2car garage fenced yard $65 JE 5-0574 RIVER OAKS-3-bedroom 2-bath central heat carpeted double garage Daisy Brannon MA 4-2123 2-BEDROOM fenced back detached garage: $65 4916 Calmont TE 4-1883 POLY-2-bedroom central heat garage feneed $65 month PE 7-3302 MASONIC HOME AREA 2-bedroom 3218 Grayson St 2 blocks of elementary school BE 8-8109 3-BEDROOM house at 112 South Dale in Arlington fence washer connections Cali Al 4-5687 after 6 in SOUTH HILLS-2 bedrooms 2 baths 2-car garage: available Septernber 1st 8135 month WA 7-7637 EST SIDE FOR RENT New 3-bedroom brick really nice 2-car garage fenced yard carpets ED 5-4581 Dec PP 1 7-7022 MeHON AID COMPANY BY OWNER well established high IY advertised money making farm equipment tpanutacturing company grossing between $200000 Rnd $250 000 per year the last six years wtth very little effort Should easily Pay out In 24 to 30 months Has unlimited possibilities Very litt'e selling necessary The dealers come to you Located in Lubbock Texas the richest irrigation area in the world causing big demand for this type of equipment It will surprise you how little It takes to handle Reason for seeing poor health and other interest Might consider trade for hind or extra nice tourist court Write 300 32nd St Lubbock Texas or call Sherwood 4-5158 Lubbock DAIRY QUEEN Arlington Good going bminess Good lease Excel lent franchise CR 49039 INTEREST in well established Real Estate business well advertised large listings Box Mt Lubblock Texas FOlt SALE or lease Large drive-in cafe completely equipped l'E 8- WA TE 84481 GULF service station 3004 Camp Bowl Reasonable Investment PE 7-0311 PE 7-5307 LOCKER PLANT for sale profit able business for man and wife Two state colleges in town Wife's health reason for selling must an to another climate Box 312 Star-Telegram FOR SALE 2 Press Cleaning plants Ideal for couple Very cheap as owner hos other interests -Good oil activity in county Garland Shaw Real Estate Box 6 Throckmorlon Texas IMusic's' Imitrisments 213 1 RIVERSIDE-2817 Bird family stYle meals $1250 Men TE 8-3252 ROOM AND BOARD for men 508 Hemphill ED 5-0Mi5 ED 5-1808 NICE HOME with meals for work Ina airl 1420 8th Ave WA 1-1871 DELICIOUS MEALS Nice rooms 1004 5th Ave WA 4-9a20 CARE FOR elderly people in li eensed rest borne Ground floor TV ED 2-8595 DELICIOUS food family style good beds WA 4-9113 3008 Hemphill AIR CriNDITIONED monis faintly stria meals Southern cooking TV $14 week ED 8-8770 528 8th Ave AIR CONDITIONED Private $Ill week 1409 Pennsylvania ID 6-0628 -NORTH SIDE-702 24-t-b room and board SIO Lunches shower TV hot biscuits air-conditioned MA 4-0092 MA 6 5187 1817 style meals Good beds El) 2-5939 ED 8-2904 RooM AND board men only $13 week 1110 Simmitt ROOM AND BOARD for 1 wen privote borne MA 6-5095 rrioNT bedroom delicious food I or 2 men or couple WA 8-1100 WANT up patient IlitlY to care for Around tiO Years quiet disPosed PE 7-5465 2 BEDROOMS bills paid 2339 LIPS comb WA 4-3410 2 BEDROOMS water paid 1005 Alston WA 7-0347 4 LARUE ROOMS huge closets $00 Mon Richmond WA 4-0150 BACHELOR APT-3 bedrooms air conditioned garage WA 4-079 NIONTICELL0-3531 4111 5-room refrigerated air $115 PE 1-1570 REDECORATED airconditioned 2 or 3 adults 2304 Market El) 5-9879 FOUR ROOMS in brick unit cor ner of Fairmount and Rosedaie Adults WA 3-5342 ED 5-4005 LOVELY 5 rooms clean cool adults 1410 1413 Rth Ave WA 4-1502 NICELY furnished 4-room apt bills paid Atmly 1905 Hemphill Air conditioned 4 rooms ou Universitsi Dr PE 7- '1710 SPECIAL on comnosttion lOOlinct of highest Quality possible to manufacture 22n lb vinare tab shingles 5 85 167 lb Hex shingles Si 25 90 lb roll roofing $3 no 15 lb felt $2 50 IA No 2 and better shiplap $1050 1x4 No 2 and better flooring $9 50 2x4 No 2 and better $975 58 in plywood sheathing S1450 No 1 asbestos siding $1350 1ga No 2 105 siding $11 50 AA Purpose Joint cement $195 BRITT LUMBER en 3410 NORTH GROVE MS 6-1513 Nn 3 Oak flooring per Int) 5425 Redwood Specials 1x6 and DO fencing Sin 95 1-8 rough heart $13 95 1x12 rough heart $14 95 4x4 heart VI 95 2x4 2x6 201 S12 90 ATTENTION RANCHERS lx11 Pine Decking $495 ROOFING SPECIALS 220-pound composition shingles per square 5 fin 1-07-lb roohnor per square $4 ti5 15-lb felt roll 5217 UP to YFAR4 To PAY BANK FINANIIMI VIESTFIIN BIBILESALE IBR CO 6641 CAMP BOB IE LE ft-I913 GOOD ROOFING skid kettle $100 JE 4-4244 CARROLL PARK APTS 1 2409 Drew 2-bedroom apts No depoosit Seminary-11'U area Range refrigerator water furnished lam dries 66250-S6750 WA 3-1422 ARE HT' SPECIAL LOVING CARE IIAS BEEN GIVEN TO TirS1 LARGE oneowner home 2iloot living room largo picture book kitchen this is an older hotne bid is simply gleam lug with peNonality and charm lovelY outside setting porch OM 3car garage fenced yard near all schools Shnpping MOT and bits near El Cimino 7303 Leona King ElE 2211 MOS ILVAN Si CO 11 5-4004 NEW LISTINGS RIDGLEA HILLS 3 LAROE BEDROOMS giant sited denkitchen 151oot stone tirePlare newest type air-conditioning nice 1Y landscaped yard built-in kitchen big tvakin closets $3750 cash assume loan Immediate possession 3 BEDROOMS den hist romolried Equipped with carpets drapes aur conditioning 'yard alreadY started PRY $2500 down assume establish ed loan AlS0 HAVE 5 brand nPw 3 and 4- bedroom billion billit in ens air conditioning optional PAT ADAMS CO PE 2-1232 PE 2-1334 HIGHLAND PARK ARMS Furnished 2bet1 room apt kitchen dinette tile bRih Formica drain central heat upstairs with view: carport laundry room separate me term WA 6 3341 5 Rooms upstairs bus Rhopping center arng 3037 Adams Igirimrgsts hImiPhet47 AirConditioned Furnished unfurnished garden ants adjoining Westover Rills River Crest 5:102 Byers Fr 7-43r4 PE 2 0365 Maid service Utilities up VPRIGHT pianos and practice pi Inns 0 um Delivered with bench Berton Music Co 510 Throckmorton ED 2-6276 'V-AINUT BABY Howard original finish: superb value rent or bug for CS rhOtitillY ve On pianos at Bruce Piano Co 1-14 Penmvivania 2 HAMMOND ORGANS 1 Spinet Model 1 chord orga slightly use Priced to sell other models $495 tin Easy terms SANDERS MUSIC CO raldwin Pianos Baldwin Organs 2119 Berry WA 4 4510 NEW SPINET piano $ta Tuned delivered and free bench Barton Music Co 510 Throckniurton JD 26276 MMoND organ-Save 6400 on trade-in M2 spinet organ perfect eqtylition HAMMOND 6210 on tradein 2 ebony spinet organ With 11 10 like new ORGAN STUDIOS OF FORT OM 2124 Forest Park Mvd WA 64771 onen evenings till Spinet Hammond organ Blond Practically new By owner MA 61231 IRANI) NEW Spinet piano WS 6-lo5 Fully guaranteed Just 611 months Used Studios Grant's Spin els Several small and medium mac III pianos from $tle Easy terms to 516 nionthlt VORT willivt nom SALEM INC 2 inn Rosedale 41 Iti Belknap 1 Aporkompoub liorwshe41 47 I in Tonikr 3101 Tex Blvd bedroom brick and inulm 114 bath breticlasi room fenced yard Patio Near bchoui Flhafired WA 3 3171 A 117111 Ed 2 21311 LI REALTY LAKE WORTH AREA-- Modern 2- bedroom 110111r S70 CE 7-23oti KELLIS PARK Nice 2-bedroom new carpeting tile bath $75 or will sell with small down payment Hob Burns AgenCY ED 2-11968 MASONIC HOME Modern 2-bed: room home near school $tl0 JE 40ti50 4-ROOM modern home 3920 Mercury TE it7700 5824 RIDGELANE 21wdrootn GRANT REALTY CO 4851 Green Oaks Dr MA 4-8481 2BEDROOM attached garage West Rid8lea $75 month PE 2-2043 LAKE to Carswell Convair large 2bedroom air conditioner water Paid $75 CI 6- 191 I Cl 6-2057 201:1 RENNER-5-room brick S57 50 Stuckert St 8011 En SOUTH SI1JE-3120 Jenning 2 bedrooms modern $70 WA 4-8080 EAGLE MOUNTAIN 2-bedroom fireplace water front 25 minutes town or COnVair JE 0838 WA 7-8704 ARL IITS-2bedromn den brick veneer automatic waher dknosal wall-to-wall carnet Eldricive 1115 Month 1 year modmutm 453R NEAR CARSWELL-- 2-bedroom Me Sil0 month C10-1084 1109 HARVEY 2 bedroom On furnished house fenced yard to white family $00 month WA COI LIN COLLINS C011111 AAA NEW MOTEL-2 High aava in Fort Worth $2000 monthly grosa: lovely two-bedroom home Ail masonry snare IA build 14 additional mina $25000 down payment Bal MICA terms AAA SWEI1FST 15-UN1T Motel all masonrY in Fort Worth 2 Ivrea apa A to build 20 more cabin room large home FWItlinlitit almost bland niw (trossea over Min per day Yearround OtilY $22Son down payment Tering on haionee COLLINt4 COLILINw 253113 Main St tort Worth Texaa tot Sole don COL0NIAL country club area large 2-bedroom 11s baths owner rim Med duplex Adults WA 44515 NORTI1 SIDE 2102 Menefee tour rooms and bath $50 Mrs Oeo Nies ED 5-1217 WA 4 1528 (LARK HENRY LOVELY 4 rooms tile bath yenta-hood washer connections ft tor paid lion8 Bomar JE 43204 I 2 end 3-Room Apts 47A 3 extra large rooms bills mild 2520 litho WA 3 0815 NEAlt C0111tTHOUsE I nd 2- room ants WA 3-91i7 A Eti'l MUUR CUrt Hi kitchenette apartment and bedroom Daily maid tervice Everything turnitthed ('alm) Howie PE 'PAH ItEptio0M kitchen lima and bnth $4fl bills naid moo 2100 Hemphill Stioan br aonnintment WA 310:16 COLONIAL Hotel Apt I and Zbedroom apts also efficleneleat ties 'said 3600 Camp Bowie PE 7 66'4 BUICK 2 3 4 rooms S15 sito S63 ten titt 1 rooms Eq at4) tan ED 511'32 West Slcie Area 75A East Side Area 7511 "Mg MVermiiaitook The NtUtV book hOUNP Vtith 3 bed Joom 2 bailih tor etle by buthier -10 Duplexes and Garage Apts 47C COLLECIP1 alrenoled garage Hot private bath shower Ideal fur man Bills paid WA 751114 2 IMOM aatato ant bulls Paid WA 327117 3513 5th Ave (lARAUE Apt 3 ii II minim Bills raid Couple only PE 74385 nice Private 3 rooms air conditioned COnVene lent to Carswell and shopping cen 1 ter MA ti 5114 A mprot 1 arniolued 8 Duplexes mid Garage Apts 48C Atittittlitt Iruotti anti bath Ilia Near Cottyptir WA Cant ell ShO month Drimar tintm 61111:1 3 ROOMS hal tt Wits el 6 33115 RIDGLEA HILLS PIM FM illaF lilt It Ba YOU'LL BE A 11tilO AIR CONDITIONP11) 2-bedroom den kitchen eakonalion 2 baths 2 tar Karaite Dole 2 Years old bid Just like new already th Danced No with inot or cheekiht Near schools ithinetilitte IMOM'a 811011 Ot $1595i) OWNER 10s4 ivot 1 BRICK 11111)1100)1 112-11A1111 LAB tr KITCIFN central hest valve' 1)44011 it'd Ittialsealied rived Yard double atiaelleil kal RIM this oho has had IF' (Iola $1110 WTI pp al hi 1 It011t Kink P1 I 2481 H(PS )1 AN CO ID 6-11102 Arl( 11 lit Is 1K No do pityment 11 I Ju mown moves you into good 4-room lippe Large tenet attlities V1 hi) Cal Vv A 6-3112 it nri JE 5-94 Weikeo beryer 5nO 5109 NOitNIA tiFoolni aura ii Excellent nrimtibprinL shnwn by appoint no'nt narvilin VIV() IT) 7 I rtri A Itt et' SPI11 'ARK itiilv ItrAllon ONLY cloinx to wove vt It liA brIrotn 2-iNch brp veneer in licentw ono 0 er to 1201) Dait Uhl Hold to riin wookt then Vit to (ftitiiiind (Zoe ny V1e 017 inycly nedranill bri4 It irPtieer home MI Woo ird Int in itientw1 )11111 Will Irldv h11 it it VrtiWooil Dr Ho) jt i NO RIVFRiIMP APARTMENTS Private carporta yard all newlg decorate() 2 bedrooms water fill nthhed and Yard maintained Clo1 to schools shooning center and bus FUR NP411F1) goa tI1 RNlisittD orncr Sing trod at 2200 No Riveraida Drive a 7377 trW LINTING 3ibedronro liditith brick in hewer area Large lot $2000 Will hitilMe Filriiheth cfrnSen PE 7:1615 Gilt ALPINE 11 l'E 73301 4208 PERSHING PRICE nErgicEn Most Pell all conditioned 7-room Mirk 4 bed rooms 2 baths InVeIY dna IPA and carpets St2 500 (mod terms rE 8-3466 lam hillier PE 7-6234 MERRICK ST WOODED LOT Attrartive 7d-dntri brick 3 bedrooms 2 baths Den rE 1firehlar es 8 largo ciiisels 1166 E(lia MiIcr rE 71294 4601 WESTRIDGE VIEW itnj vow se 2-bedroom hi it 2 All larkt PE 8-4bb Loieta Minivan Pli 71114 Fillingim Co PE 85466 MULTIP1 I BRANTS LANE overlooking I4 ithr Litlift Chow 1(11'104 Intilhll'rredOiltOtIOWn PriCe 361! POTOM ACh-NI(Vati! I ITO Prit is reduced no this 2incitiedit 21F111 l)OI lkIlIY rignii bock rholcf AIVA VOA hR it 1 Lois of yi4rA Iu 4-bed i wain air conditioned home Maurice HerIcins PE 76701 Nutt 1111)I on tali bath brick home 1tial 2 Peora niii 10 ood An Ills Inciiiion veld ral heat fitrolace in tivaimg any ppor1 double gm AAP NOW 0111A Pit (di AIR 19 A AA IR PP: 1' I iedit lip: a PE 7 wail Pp: ot tvoi 111X MO I El Lancooder roolnx and anis Private glints's hiihlnr intod service 11T V-A Airconditioned eilleiencv bilk poi srter 6 Ntek 916 8 ADAMS 3room duplex cooler Bins 'mid $lit ioltilts 3 room Will $155o ttiIiI 1I9 Alston 51s07 3 It hall' sir conditioned intid ED 5441JC eve FOR SALE EAnblishrd MY rack route A oart trie inisinrAn for man or Ik'n 1111111 J114 in Ilinu fur Chrthl snag trade flux 327 StarTeleRram -MAJOR hervice 100 Ion good bus! 1114s: IIt nveoment: barrain If mtid Rt once 1701 219i RI It' BOY or cell mote tuotes or bittiortut call PE 4414 t(Ittek Ural oat ercttling COIN one anal nnancnd ett Financing Johnson 6130 IA ebt hike Dalin 14 PA 7 'WA LEASEE of Inn tor compattY odation wilt hell equipment and ttInck muffin 100 Alm anim A011)0011 11 CENT COIN uncritical ttatlialcr I tigilg Ailli financino Comelon 5:11 Columbla nalac 1 eggs Hirmrq Pt 2 40)10 TA 6 931 mAtti 2 two tnuat lee( Available Nov 1 72111 FOIL SAI in grocer uiiit Illittket illPh kV 183 A milt catt of Hal NEW TEXACO STATION For lea gt pond to Purr eltito calomel biwoilw 7311 Itimmt Al' 4 3071 'I I IN2 sAt i)twhitor Olott Iii exiiept IDuation Phytte Al Rfirr tn 1112 WASHINO'ION 4rooto duplex ItIreontiltioner gunge couple oo18 ED 2 1121 RIVER OAKS-2229 Andover one bedroom 665 hi A 64037 NICELY torot 61vol knottee opt Air rooter 50 per month tong pnitI MI Collette WA 4 340ti BRICK DUPLEX -Art Him 2219 Cm loon Benootolly IttroNted kir eonitittottIng privnte tarnke kr to now eriolte Pesottoble 111 AIR CONDITIONED know opt At Mils pool 1601 6th Ave ROOEIts --4 rooms bed rooms ntr enoled 115 week Dill" naltio PE 45594 'I CU 204 McCall LoveiY 3 roomv onle kn ED 51062 It EAsoN A 111E1 2 Iltree rooms Ind bath CO It 61 apt Itivorkole wren Inman twiore 4 21) 111 3614 Nimitire F1147-410 AND NEA'r "Henke Hot tioIlinWn 1113 TIIYInr JE 10127 1411Y NEAR WC-3 ronti1 bnth duplex Adottn no pets no Minima 8 3740 5-3015 Enrnew kut Wiilktiiii titki novo to totett $73 t6t6i 1 WESTERN HILLS ARLINGTON Testis New 3hett room bricks tbath near Achoolq Month 2200 Collins at Olen Oaks Dr Ck 2014 UANkliia--Let pa rent or manage 'out property Appraisals made No emt to You finer Powell rn 7-10)0 NI brick home just outside COY lniIt 5100 per month kiD 5 1573 or 111 It 2713 5' sRO051 BRICK towed yard 270 wiring Is usher connections Itedeco rated Situ WA 4 1159 211K1-5-1i()()M htnisr DU 'nth I'11 fi irigi (itEs'l Wool) 2 netiroolii rtottitiie Ott NorthWnod $711 JE 50350 Nice 2 bedrooms csotets dkhaamlier fenced yard 2 floors from new school SRO JP 40701 AIFRA('IIV0 itoI Crestaoott res Memo for IItTIK hil1111-11 CO rn 217 lb 11 5:511 l'Is non5 POLY NICP 2 betttuuttis Yount' town kilrlirn fenced contort 3(13 Iturtis JP: 4 3111 It41 Cnotithi5 503 3001n irnmet rtO Ntstit l'E 7 4714 IfliNT A tiPINET for am Mlle AR $9 trooli Illy Full cedtt allowed If You boy later Faye on pilinom at Bruce l'Infin In 1514 i ii if rood piano-- SiI9 Eithy terms Free bench Potion Murk Co ln Throuktilorton Fn 26174 -11NAPAY Urfinfin WI have 3 of the finest BiritiWitj (Minds In the bonlliwent priced to ril moll for fmrlirohtro WA 44163 (iRAN!) nuttito from PT!) Ilfi UP A KIlitort Hann liabY CriVid RW01111011 WA 4103 I Pull ol wan key board 13 nous 14' Pitch bok4 pedal In vier OM' Minn 01110 Find expt rkSIM1 redni Iii anti Hew $3 AterY eattY moot A Kilitort Pismo Co "10 PoreNt Park Blvd WA I 41C1 YPF fir on ternic WA 41:161 rAY CAY11 for tinV JR: 42021 111: 6r4t14 fir Dion jIA A IIPA 110 4 Rolf Prices rvery no AVo offer bettl deal In tufa On bleb finality potion Atork of bout new oral wed Any AtYlo or Ilni-lt Trade lrrt1)4 310111AV 1 II PIANO CO 5-)7 1anewsler 220 hickborof Onen 3 'IU 11 tilitidnyc 1 ULM Hulot for rent WA 4410 Choir 1014 now ta Vp)torn Hilts north and rionth of Hitchway oo (ALL KEN lit LEW Western Hills Realty PE 8 8MI HIS-31115 7111 5roottt du We redreorifird PE 75197 rfloiti modem du rex wRier and Ituhtm mid $10 WESTGATE Apartments Dwellings As LOW Ai $4250 Tor TWAT orcrioN IN 101IT 313O Air 2 roorw orivaie both ohower on tentio Pholit htlin 45'A 7 511i4 MOCK loVrii 311011i SIN t0111r hUI niild itthiitit ()MIL 3 u1 Entightmt F1) IOW? 2 It4h)M 141)11111liell1 riOlk0 ii SOtith N1(I1 Wot in kg atria or cotwill ri 42 ihooM orivate out Cloth olue2 it' Accept hobv tA'A 75149 2 rum''' both otr 11nri foot nooyett 3 110051M Ittrothed biro pohl Near pH d41111 hthool bMIMbiadM lUUNW rati Nr conditioned ElliPiUYI'd COUPie FOR LEASE Ultra Modern Major Oil Company Service Station rweellont IfICAt Ion RIM rf ytihnosti nertn nt Camp fowl bet ween University Dr and Bailee i A' ERN lilt I iIv wAnt'l to Ire rt poll It ttot tittitt tit 1 At t'ek ill it a tt itt tie 1 hodreffill 2 itt e'rell le ItOrtlell h3la(1 like fu Iave 44 prr cr-f kata 11111 Werwr filvfl 3E 1719 thifflo fuli4 Nit to elf ilivfoary t1 tqaity ur 111A tinnily' At vnint MA! 3 twiloulitt 108 mfollare titte Itat itt 0101 al healing II dI11111 it)'e of WIpt 'Oaf Ii horn ()vol ay Wien vifit I to 1(1 Inoe ntnnsv i JE4 --n()k I3I 2 'y111(0111 114Ille Pep bt110 (111w 0111 tl blIile (lee II' 4 PAN How eod ilk 3 intinotn 2 1)1ti ty-l ton vr inont Iii 1111t 10n Cantrinity Caor JP: I 111 111 Nt 3 ht ilotto 5 y01 I1 01 Prrl titt'e It tttviltrItir Owtirr Jel el) Ion 4 Itin)Nt nnoeir I CI 11 IIl MW I 1 I (di I 10 itittjti I tit itto it OA Nt tit t' I I 11-V )1e 11 I CIO 0 Cli tot: it t-tt Jib 4 1i A Ittorr JE 6 RIDGECREST New low down payments and reduced closing cost OPEN 7825 PENSACOLA 4208 BONNIE DRIVE 3905 BONNIE DRIVE twthoom brirk 11 MI vermeil: tile hallig goitirn teditiiiiterctim exttn Itilleoenn ot torattrin OLD rtiNJA14viaat 4208 BONNIE DRIVE 3905 BONNIE DRIVE 3 herittium belek 11 MI We hallig goitirn tint tadloItitvrculti diApogal Will Lotil 0 exit t40mttlan ot tor ntinn RENTAL Of I WEI 3228 Hamilton ED 24838 RIDGLEA HILLS nverinokir golf catiple 1velY 3 Imtrootit bulti A114 dell titk cnr two vtmI tffittlitlig tiosrmue live ithhen oit0 pooh imvel benutilt114 lier 1r Av Ing city Er7 1011 Jreil Stttoollitri WA 1 fll 1: Pria McDONALD COMPANY IOS lig trip I nsetlootpts :12 dattiett Near Fnir ahottnIng venter V111 Acctul rhillrea 422 VIrEolla Lane TAN 2eatan saratte-t771 27:10 ttin Ave WA 4 3112 3 Hook' tilittlec 7109 Calittutaig MA 4 9471 tiAlt Ai i nt ormind 2 biota Ctta'a 6Z0 8 Pft kin jI Ii 4 loom natant an( ide only 87 pa titillItra id i miri in 1110 cothhittglion hilrh NI with brriotithgt area clean ntid otmletive Al 2 '10 wok DO 160 Adwilm WA 4111iill EL) 1 bodlLoto 014 Pir inneti WA 0-111n1 or FD AllAr Art77Zir4 Ord ntr ataittittaett antenna pool loantio gin I1 tIrt flitment itIui'uhl II Ow Vilr1 2011 Lit)10111b Vt' A 3 0141 3 to71'it npi likvir11 l'iir Prrit Sin cek Mita void it rPA1 vioiElt AL owe eliklooro 30to locol lot Pile (ir couple Ple 7 (IAA' SMALL All' oopio 1 or 2 pOulti HUI l'11qr nr 210o 1111141111 413 Ao 14011N(K11- 01111111011 OP WA 4 :114 i(al144Iiiriorly 3 loom oot r7Nir Al 4 1F 3 2'07 1)1111X 3 mow Wile A111fA IJll Ilin (it node woo IiillinVor 111 1111)E-1 4 tooto ook tOroiv fornoOrd oir coffin' loorol Wilt Prret1 child Au' Crotroi MA 4 Vi A 11 bilk twit11 11Co 140d WA 4 II 2TIFI)ItOOM holop cydoof rrnce ovirn Ven No drink Inw MA 4 441n1 3 liEDItOONI Airomdllinfird tit ti home sit wiled Pro ed nenr Arty01 MIA Durhirm Ave PE 277:1 1111ArIE 2 tnoiinn holorm on atm fronL I I-room firnifin Prefer cuipc prls CR 4 (hi MIST1 II rs MINtletoe Pt 7 I oomc bath wI flirolqied otiitge apt SW ED WA a1P6441min9 144f1 Stinm2e 4:11 DAVITimON'A IninMer 14 boor 1 room Jr cm tritti rttfireallirr fliIV Ill 11)Cill taLc WA 04171 rent Alitilf riwitml retillirell r1111411 IN volInty osnititine Eyeeitent opportunity joy relit natni col ri tirms rfr-4 II 3 "IA NW SERVICE STATION Mn or compnny ifIVO titirinrilt1 1111 0 it r11111)e1 ItriPOtilibill 111 Vreilleitt o1A 4 AIN Nimhk AT 4 4713 WA 3 18911tr It RAIN 0 Nks i 0 smAII 1iiiorhiwori pito MY b1)1! 1 I 1 0 g110i IOW!" 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